Soft Wood & Hardwood

Softwood & Hardwood

A pile of wood is sitting on a brick sidewalk.

When it comes to firewood, it can be classified as either being a hardwood or softwood. This doesn’t mean that the physical appearance is either hard or soft, but it is rather distinguished in nature with regards to their reproduction. Softwood trees remain evergreen all year round, whereas hardwood trees lose their leaves every year.

We often get asked which type of wood is better for burning, and the answer is that they both are.Neither type of wood is better than the other as each type of wood serves its own purposes and has its own advantages and disadvantages. 


Advantages of Hardwood

There are many advantages of using hardwood firewood when you are planning to make a fire of any sort. The are many reasons why hardwood is such a good wood to use for your fires. The first reason is that it is long-lasting, your fire will burn all evening. Another reason that this is such great firewood is that hardwood consists of a very low smoke output, which means it will work great for an indoor fireplace or indoor wood stove. Because hardwood is so dense, you will be able to warm up an entire room with just a few logs at a time. 


Advantages of Softwood

Compared to hardwood, softwood has a much shorter seasoning process. Where hardwood can take one to two years to season, softwood can take as little time as about six to twelve months. Another advantage of softwood is that it is much easier to light than of hardwood. Unfortunately, though, softwood does not stay lit for very long and you would need hardwood to keep your fire going. Whether you are looking to have a cookout with the family, or plan on having a bonfire, making use of a mixture of hardwood and softwood firewood will be a great combination. 


Disadvantages of Hardwood 

Hardwood has more pros than cons, but a big disadvantage of using hardwood firewood for your fire is that it is very difficult to light. It would mean that you would need to use some softwood to get your fire started, but thereafter, the hardwood firewood will keep your fire going all through the evening. Another disadvantage is that hardwood has a long seasoning time. Hardwood can take roughly one to two years to be seasoned perfectly in order to be used as firewood. Apart from the long seasoning period, and being slightly harder to light than softwood, this is great firewood to use. 


Disadvantages of Softwood

We always advise our existing clients and potential clients to use hardwood for their indoor fireplaces, and firewood stoves. This is because softwood has a much higher smoke output than hardwood firewood. If you are planning on burning softwood outdoors, then it won’t matter but it is not recommended at all to use softwood for any indoor use. Another disadvantage of using softwood as firewood is that it does not stay lit for very long. Because softwood is not as dense as hardwood, fire tends to go through it almost like a flame through paper.

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