When you decide to purchase firewood, it is important to make sure you store it correctly and purchase the correct type of firewood for your intention. At Denver Firewood Delivery, we always make sure to best advise our clients on the best possible wood that they will need. We always season our wood to rest assured that you are receiving the best quality wood. Whether it is your first time attempting to light your own fireplace, or you have been lighting fires for years, it is important to consider the below:
A lot of our clients are unaware of how firewood should be stored. If you are deciding to purchase a bulk amount of firewood for whatever reason, it is important that you do not store the firewood in a confined space. When you keep firewood with a cover, it tends to absorb water, which is absorbed by the wood. One should always make sure that you have sufficient space to store the firewood and also that it should be stacked with cut ends exposed. Firewood should also not be stacked too closely together, as it is important for air to circulate between the pieces.
If you plan to have a bonfire, then the type of wood you purchase is not too important. However, if you plan on making a fire for your indoor fireplace, or maybe you are planning on making dinner using your wood stove, then the type of wood you buy is very important. For indoor use, the denser firewood such as Oak or Ash firewood. You can also consider using cherry firewood or any other fruitwood, which adds a lovely flavor to your meat or fish. Hardwood is a much better approach for indoor use, but you should purchase wood with minimum smoke output.
Wood that has just been cut contains a lot of moisture. If the firewood you are using has not been seasoned, then the wood retains the moisture, making it difficult to burn. When you purchase seasoned wood, you will know that the wood has been split and stacked and allowed to dry in a dry area. Not only is unseasoned wood hard to light, but it also creates a lot of smoke. Using seasoned wood, on the other hand, means you will not struggle to light the fire. It will provide more heat, your fire will be long-lasting, and there will also be minimum smoke.
Another important factor you need to keep in mind is the quantity of wood you will need to purchase. Depending on your intention with the wood, we will best advise you how much firewood you will need to have. If you do not have a dry space away from your home to store the wood, it is advisable to just buy only enough for your specific intention with the firewood. If you are unsure about how much firewood to buy, then give us a call, and one of our team professionals will be more than happy to let you know!
Denver Firewood Delivery | 720-650-2209